Taquito and Marvy



I don’t have a luxurious life money wise.  In fact, the debts just love to terrorise me each month and I cringed every time I hear the news talk about higher rates for the electricity, water, food, etc.   But I am definitely rich in love.

I have a very diverse family who are so fun to share time with.  Strong and beautiful younger sisters.  A marriage of almost 25 years with it’s ups and downs. A Mom who has been a warrior through life, my role model, and last but not least: two great children who are my pride and joy.  I tell them: the sky is the limit when it comes to your possibilities if you educate and believe in yourself.

About 5 years ago, we added two new members to our family: Marvy and Taco.  They were both rescues from the Humane Society of Puerto Rico , and for us, they are the most loving and loyal dogs in the world.  Even though their lives didn’t start in the best way; they are now adored and pampered (too much by my husband standards) by all of us.

When I was a little girl, you would have a dog to protect your house, a cat to take care of the rats and fish as soothing therapy.  They were pets not family, and never ever a would a dog sleep in your bed (at least not in mine or my Mom would make me regret it).

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Well, that doesn’t apply at Casa Miranda Sánchez.  My furry four legged children are part of the family and stay inside the house as much as they want to.  They sleep with us (generously distributing their night time between my human children and me).  Our walks are my therapy, where I get all these aha thoughts that I quickly forget once we get home (once I started recording them on my phone but the neighbours got suspicious).  They celebrate our arrivals  with a party of barks and jumps (Marvy runs in circles like a crazy merry go round) and give us the saddest eyes when we leave.  Great listeners, comforting and good for our health.  When my pressure is up, I hold Taquito for a while and it goes back to normal.

And they are also, great role models.  Why?  Because they just want to be loved and love you.  They don’t care about riches.   A walk in the park, a belly rub, just being there with you and for you it’s all they care about ( in Marvy’s case hunting cats and lizards as well). Their love is so selfless that they have even protected me from pitbulls.  Two small doggies against  grown pitbulls!  They didn’t care about how big the challenge was, they just went on and fought them so I wouldn’t get hurt.

When I started my Instagram account, I just wanted to follow these great trainers like Chris Freytag or Don Saladino and of course The Rock (hey a woman needs inspiration right?).  I was amazed that Facebook and Instagram had so many posts about doggies.  Just watching them could turn a bad day into a good one. At some point I posted a picture of Taquito and puff, I started to have followers (okey, Taquito started having followers, Marvy is a little camera-shy).  People were asking me for more posts and I loved it!  I just loved the fact that Taquito was able to brighten someone day just like Crusoe and other poochies did for me.

We can’t control many things in our world but we can choose to stay positive and be thankful for what we do have.  I may never get a million dollars or a dinner date with The Rock (although I’ll never stop dreaming about it), but I am a millionaire in the love department and to me that is amazing.  Relatives live far away and we don’t see each other as much as we like to, children are growing up and moving on with their lives…and that it’s all OK.  Taquito and Marvy are waiting for me at home.  For them, they have a great life: simple and full of love. That is a great life lesson for me.

Even in the worst moments, I see the face of my furry friends and their little antics and can’t help but smile. So I’ll keep posting about Mister Taquito so he can bring a little joy to those that just want to laugh at this silly loving dog. As a matter of fact, what is he up to right now?